About This Blog

It all began as a desire to document every bit of information I had to look up in the course of my work. Especially the bits I kept forgetting.

Then it became something else.

Musings on the web industry, the latest web development techniques. How to stay afloat in a competitive industry with increasingly little patience and ever-escalating demands.. How to deal with strange job interview questions. I may, or may not comment on current affairs.

This is an entry-level technical blog. If you're struggling with some elementary issues in your development, you may find something useful here. If you need to be prepped for your next IT job interview, my ramblings may be relevant to you. This blog may also be useful if you want an opinion (albeit not an extremely qualified one) on developments in the web industry.

Back to basics. As technology evolves, the manual override has been left behind. Developers I've met these days have forgotten their basics - or worse, they never knew them to begin with. This blog deals with the basics of web development. Without a solid foundation, your house will not stand for long.

This blog is not for you if you're a guru and want some awesomely high-level wizardry. There's nothing here you couldn't find or figure out for yourself with some dedicated research . In fact, I probably omit a lot of stuff for the sake of brevity, and if there is anything important I have left out, I'd be very grateful if it were pointed out.

This blog is also not about showing you the way up the corporate ladder to fame and fortune in the IT industry. But if you just want to know how to stay afloat for now, this might be a good source.

Happy reading.

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