
Some of the labels in the sidebar may not make much sense to you, so I'm going to make the effort to explain some of the least obvious ones. This list will be updated as time goes by.


Makes things easier to explain, and way more fun.

Applied Tech

In particular, Information Technology. And even more specifically, web and mobile technology. Technology changes the world. True story. And I'm endlessly fascinated by how it's doing it.


Sometimes I make mistakes - factual ones. And sometimes I like to dedicate a blogpost, or part of one, to rectifying them.

Instant Code

Some code samples do not require the use of a server, not even localhost. Just save as a HTML file and run in a browser.

Life as an Economic Digit

Concerning life in the workplace, job searches and such, particularly in the IT industry.


I like to list things in point form. Some blogposts come in this format. Keeps my thoughts organized.

Profanity Alert

I don't think verbal abuse is cool per se. But sometimes a well-placed vulgarity does wonders for communication. Besides, we're adults. Get over it.


On occasion, I revisit a topic to add new thoughts on it.

Spot The Bug

Little programming exercises where I publish my coding bloopers, and invite you, the reader, to solve them. It's usually a logical rather than syntax error.

War Stories

My personal experiences, much of which have to do with the IT industry one way or another. Anecdotes, conversations, that kind of thing.

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