Tuesday 11 July 2017

Five comparisons between Twitter Bootstrap and Semantic UI

There are plenty of CSS and layout frameworks on the market. I've had the privilege of using two of them - Twitter Bootstrap and Semantic UI. Both frameworks are used to provide responsive layouts and improve the UI. While they're similar in very basic ways, they are different enough to warrant a comparison.

Here are 5 ways they compare...

1. Features

Both Twitter Bootstrap and Semantic UI use a grid layout for responsiveness. Twitter Bootstrap uses as 12-column grid while Semantic UI uses a default of 16 columns (which can be changed). Some say this increased granularity gives Semantic UI the edge, but from my perspective I'm not sure it makes that much of a difference.

They both have features like button groups, accordions and beautified form inputs. This is where Semantic UI arguably has the advantage, as it boasts many more variations on those features than Twitter Bootstrap. Semantic UI's icon set, for example, has about 617 in 25 categories to Twitter Bootstrap's 264... the free ones anyway.

Twitter Bootstrap's icon set (left)
Semantic UI's icon set (right)

Both Twitter Bootstrap and Semantic UI offer features that the other do not. For example, Twitter Bootstrap has a Jumbotron feature, and Semantic UI has a really nifty-looking rotating cube feature. But even on quantity alone, Semantic UI has the obvious edge.

2. Marketability

Twitter Bootstrap is almost a household name among developers. Most devs have used it since 2011, at one time or other, to do up websites. Semantic UI, on the other hand, is the relative new kid on the block, having been here since only 2015, and at this time does not even have a Wikipedia entry.

The obvious inference here, of course, is that Twitter Bootstrap has way more support and documentation.

I know Bootstrap!

But the real edge is that almost everyone has heard of Twitter Bootstrap, whereas fewer have heard of Semantic UI. So putting Twitter Bootstrap on your resume is more likely to get you jobs. Even during interviews, I've had interviewers nod sagely when I mentioned Twitter Bootstrap, and give me blank looks when I mentioned Semantic UI.

If you mention Twitter Bootstrap, most people will immediately assume you understand Responsive Design. Which isn't strictly true, but perception is what it is.

3. Look-and-feel

Twitter Bootstrap isn't considered generic without good reason. Most people use the free default theme, which results in Every Fucking Bootstrap Website Ever. Which can be a shame because Twitter Bootstrap can look really good, if you're willing to pay for different themes. Even if not, contributors have offered their own Twitter Bootstrap themes, which can add some variety.

Semantic UI's default and optional themes, all free of charge, already promise a dizzying array of effects that won't immediately scream SEMANTIC to people who view them. Of course, the fact that Semantic UI isn't famous like Twitter Bootstrap, probably helps.

Twitter Bootstrap's color scheme (top)
Semantic UI's color scheme (bottom)

If you want hard numbers though, just consider color schemes. Twitter Bootstraps default theme comes with 6 colors. Semantic UI has 12 (in both cases, we're not counting black). And this can be a simple but huge factor in flexibility of design.

Also, Twitter Bootstrap has 4 size categories - lg (large), md (medium), sm (small) and xs (extra small). Semantic UI has 8 of them - massive, huge, big, large, medium, small, tiny and mini. Though it's worth noting that Semantic UI's size categories aren't rendered with perfect consistency throughout their elements.

4. Difficulty level

Twitter Bootstrap is easier for someone with totally no jQuery knowledge, to use effectively. For Semantic UI, it's a lot harder because jQuery is used often, either as an initializer or to manipulate the controls. Even though many features have a non-jQuery version, this results in a drastically less rich user interface.

If you're only using Twitter Bootstrap or Semantic UI for responsiveness, then this doesn't matter.

Semantic UI's code sample

Personally, I like Semantic UI's style. The jQuery animation features in its feature set allows me to do a lot of cool things without actually writing my own.

Although if you want to really customize stuff, it might be easier in Twitter Bootstrap. Semantic UI offers a lot of customization options, but it can't cover everything and sometimes trying to shoehorn their existing options into what you want exactly, is a pain in the ass.

5. Class names

Twitter Bootstrap uses class names that don't read like normal English.
<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-8">Column 1</div>
    <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4">Column 2</div>

Semantic UI's class names look like this.
<div class="row">
    <div class="twelve wide computer six wide phone eight wide tablet column">Column 1</div>
    <div class="six wide computer four wide tablet column">Column 2</div>

Some say this makes Semantic UI friendlier to use. I'm ambivalent here. See, I have this habit of writing my own CSS classes. And it's far harder to clash with CSS class names like btn-lg than with names like segment or basic.


Personally, I'd take Semantic UI any day of the week. It's got features I need, and I don't have a problem with using jQuery. But Twitter Bootstrap might be better for people who want decent results with a minimum of fuss, and more if they're willing to cough up the cash. And in any given professional environment, the chances of Twitter Bootstrap being already in use are astronomically higher.

Pick up a CSS framework today. It's a xs effort for massive gains.

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