Saturday 21 August 2021

Ten Hilarious Tech-related Drake Memes

R&B artiste Drake is an icon - in more ways than one. His facial expressions have been turned into a hilarious series of memes that usually follow this format: a comical refusal followed by a comical approval. Usually really bad advice. And some of these memes fall under the tech category.

1. Programming jokes

Learn programming.

This one had me do a spit-take. It's so deliberately and delightfully ridiculous.

2. Getting a new job


I felt a little personally attacked when I saw this one, not gonna lie.

3. Variable declaration


The first panel is actually the recommended way. The second panel shows the long-winded and line-intensive way which is still syntactically correct but can be a pain in the ass to maintain.

4. Coding before thinking

Coding and thinking.

Well, dammit, the shade of it all. This is another newbie mistake given the Drake meme treatment.

5. What's more efficient?

10 minutes.

A programmer's natural instinct is to automate stuff... but sometimes we have to consider the context.

6. Using HTML


This one is ridiculous to the point of being funny.

7. The For loop variables

More variables.

Imagine that the variables we're so used to using, aren't exactly best practice.

8. Tabs vs spaces


This one is creative and minimalist!

9. Recursion


Another creative meme.

10. Copy-paste


Now this is not irony. Programmers are encouraged to do work using the least amount of effort... though overdoing the copy-pasting is a bad practice.


These side-splitting memes are something else. And some of them hit very close to home for software devs.

DRakishly yours,

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