Wednesday 15 June 2022

Ten Cheap Shots At Internet Explorer

It's happening today. 15th June 2022. This is when Internet Explorer stops being supported by Microsoft. It started back in 2015, when I celebrated the impending demise of Internet Explorer, so I won't rehash just how much I hate this botched abortion of a web browser.

Suffice to say, my life as a web developer has been improved immeasurably by no longer having to support Internet Explorer. I know I'm not alone in this, if the proliferation of memes making fun of Internet Explorer is any indication. To commemorate the great event this month, here are a few of my favorites.

1. Keep calm and...?

Yikes, so ugly.

This is a dig at Internet Explorer's butt-ugly interface for missing images. Though, back in the days when its main competition was Netscape Navigator, this was already a marked improvement. By today's standards, though, bleh.

2. No bugs!

Don't open the browser.

Technically, that's true. Kind of like saying shit doesn't stink if you don't sniff it, but you get the idea.

3. The perfect user

Turtle power!

Probably sums up Internet Explorer's speed issues.

4. Still faster


Yep another cheap shot at Internet Explorer's speed.

5. Browsers!

We all know a
guy like that.

And yet another one.

6. Internet Explorer is useful for one thing...


That's an often-used joke, that the best use of Internet Explorer is to download other browsers.

7. Ask her out

Grow some IE-sized balls.

Internet Explorer asking to be your main browser. The audacity!

8. Guns

Shoot yourself.

This one made me choke on my morning coffee. It's so, so apt.

9. Hidden folder hack

This is genius.

Brilliant. No one would touch that, ever.

10. Last and not least...

The worst!

Yep. Just fucking die already, Internet Explorer.

Death to Internet Explorer!

Yep. Go to hell, you bloated misbegotten excuse for software. You won't be missed!

Rest in pieces,

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