Tuesday 11 October 2022

Teochew Thunder: Year Eight (Part 1/2)

2022 so far has had me working from home, just like 2021. The main difference that my wife has been back from China since the last quarter of the previous year. And my efforts to acclimatize to the inevitable changes in my lifestyle could fill an entire book, never mind a blogpost.

Suffice to say, my blogging and coding time has met a few roadblocks, because there are times my duties as a husband take precedence. As they should. I'm happy to say, however, that I've managed to stay pretty constant, even though the average length of my blogposts has significantly decreased. Part of that could also be due to a conscious effort towards brevity. Honestly, I take no pleasure in droning on like some pompous, oblivious jackass.

No more commute!

This is the third year in a row I spent the majority of my time working from home. This gave me greater freedom to blog, or at least research new ideas. At least, the time I saved on commuting definitely contributed.

As soon as the workday is done, I can go right to coding, or blogging, instead of waiting to get home, and probably getting physically drained from the commute. It can't be overstated how much this has improved my work on the blog.


If anything good came from the utter shitshow that was my job at this company, it was that I took careful note of all the tools they used, and adopted those practices as much as I could. One of these tools was Trello. It's no exaggeration to say that it practically runs my life now.

I have written a blogpost about how I use Trello outside of the workplace. It helps greatly in keeping consistent, which is a giant step in trying to achieve any kind of success, no matter how small. Perhaps I'll elaborate on this sometime later in the year.

My blogging and coding tasks are now scheduled via Trello. I'm having a blast, though a one-man experience for Trello probably is not conducive to training for a real team environment. Still, it's something.

Audio Social Media

A large part of last year and the entirety of this year was spent weaning myself off of Facebook and using the app known as Clubhouse. And to a lesser extent, LinkedIn. If I'm to be perfectly honest, my distancing from Facebook began more than a few years back, and my introduction to Clubhouse pretty much accelerated the process.

On Clubhouse, I've found myself moving in several circles - American, African, Japanese, Chinese and Malaysian - and the subsequent conversations I've had, have spawned a multitude of ideas. These ideas sometimes translate into blogposts (see Ten Lessons From The Art Of War Applied To Software Development and Ten Pieces Of African Wisdom In Software Development) or code projects (notably The Japanese Language Trainer App). Upon the relaxation of border controls, I've even had friends from Clubhouse come to Singapore to meet up offline.

All in all, my time on Clubhouse has been pretty fruitful, despite it often looking otherwise.


As mentioned previously, there has been a conscious move from Facebook to LinkedIn. A large part of this reason is audience.

While I used to share completed blogposts on Facebook, at some point I began to realize that I was preaching to the wrong crowd. Facebook users pretty much just want to watch funny cat videos and share memes. The content of my blogposts can sometimes be very technical, and consequently pretty dry. I've found that sharing my blogposts on LinkedIn, where the majority of my connections are professional rather than personal, have gained greater traction.

Now, when I have blogposts that add value to my professional profile, I share them on LinkedIn. My rather more spicy rants about employers have been confined to Facebook, where they gain plenty of traction on their own.


Let's take a look at how popular some of this year's blogposts were.

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