Tuesday 23 January 2024

Five Phases of Programming I Went Through

As tech evolves, so does the growth of every software developer. Every programmer's evolution varies to a large extent dependent on their stack, their industry experiences and their personality.

My own journey has been no less.

Today I would like to chronicle, in philosophical phases, my own development from way back in 2015 as a student.

1. 1996 to late 2000s

This was me in school. I was a neat freak about code, at least where indentation and spacing were concerned. I tended to put a lot of code on one line, not because I was trying to look clever, but because I was lazy. And I had tons of comments because my lecturers trained me that way. When I got out into professional society, no one reviewed my code, so whatever habits I had, both good and bad, continued well into the mid-2000s.

Being very tidy.

At this point, too, I felt like knowing more programming languages increased my tech cred. That's complete rubbish, of course, but I was young. I was still hungrily learning, though, and that's always a good thing regardless of the source of my motivation.

Most of my expertise revolved around querying data from a database and displaying it on a web page, and perhaps some extremely rudimentary JavaScript manipulation. Nothing very groundbreaking, but it did constitute the majority of most use cases presented to me.

2. Late 2000s to early 2010s

The next phase of my career development manifested itself as a slogfest. I had rediscovered my passion for writing code after several years of wasting my life away in Desktop Support. I prided myself on how much I worked, and how hard. I didn't think of myself as a clever worker. I thought of myself as a hard worker. In fact, grinding became the focus of my existence.

I measured myself by lines of code produced. I was consistent for the sake of being consistent instead of tailoring approaches to individual cases. I wasn't really into code libraries; there was a serious case of Not Invented Here going on, and I really wanted to create every gadget, every component, myself.

Rudimentary building.

Was that wise?

Not really. In fact, in hindsight, it sounds pretty damn stupid. But was that neccessary? I suspect so. It was another phase of my development. Whatever else followed after this, might not have come without getting through this first.

On the other hand, putting that much time into trying to create every component myself, really upped my coding game, simply via repetition and research.

3. Early 2010s to late 2010s

Around this time, I started getting comfortable with the concepts of frameworks and libraries. Sure, it was good to have the skills to create those frameworks and libraries, but realistically, that would simply have the effect of slowing me down when there were so many more exciting things to learn. I came to terms with the fact that I would never be as good as I really wanted to be; simply because my time on this earth is limited.

Getting more education around that point helped me pick up more languages and technologies. This was the Specialist Diploma in Mobile Apps Development. I stopped trying to do everything in Notepad (or a plain text editor) and picked up the tools to make myself current. Why put myself at a disadvantage? Some sense of misplaced pride in being a caveman? This was tech, and I needed to get with the program.

The caveman way.

This was the period I picked up a whole lot of frameworks and programming languages, experimented madly, and dipped my toe in everything exciting about web and mobile development just so I could have a taste. This was probably where I had the most fun. After letting go of the need to excel, and learn everything thoroughly, I started learning just enough to do whatever I envisioned. Sometimes it was less than what was taught in school, but often, it was more. I had to do my own research to be able to accomplish the things I wanted, and it improved me immeasurably.

I learned things just for the fun of it, instead of doing it because I felt I needed to.

4. Late 2010s to early 2020s

A strange period, to be sure. Most of what I learned was in the form of JavaScript frameworks and libraries, but they were very disparate. I learned JavaScript frameworks. At the same time, I picked up data visualization libraries, and animation libraries. Around this time, I learned SVGs as well. Loads of fun.

More advanced construction.

This part seems more like an extension of the earlier phase, except that it had become less about the different number of platforms, but more about the different kinds of functionality. I had reached the point where learning new programming languages was cool and all, but what I really wanted to do was learn to do new things. As opposed to learning to do the same things in new ways. Which is valuable as well, don't get me wrong, but I was eager to move on.

Since I was working with animation and processing-heavy frameworks, much of my efforts were geared towards improving efficiency, as opposed to just getting things to work.

Professionally, as I was doing work for the Singapore Government at that time, I gained a whole new appreciation for REST APIs.

5. Early 2020s

This was the period of my life where I threw out all the stuff I'd obsessed over before, or just felt bad about not doing enough - code extensibility, code cleanliness, tidiness and so on - in favor of expediency. Yes, plenty of developers would turn their noses up at this, but they aren't the ones paying my bills, so, y'know, fuck 'em with an If-else block.

Doesn't have to be pretty,
but it does have to work.

This materialized because I was now working for a non-tech company where my employers didn't care how clean and clever my code was. My KPI was to deliver requirements, and deliver them yesterday. Now, we can argue forever about whether this is right or wrong, but requirements are requirements. And if I have a problem getting paid to deliver what programming purists would call subpar code, I have the absolute discretion to bugger off and work somewhere else.

But I didn't. Because the rise of AI has ensured that no one gives a rat's ass about the quality of your code, or even just your code period, when they can just ask ChatGPT for it.

Also, I wound up writing significantly less code than I was used to. Most of my code connected to REST endpoints that interfaced with other systems that did the bulk of the work. A lot of it was out of my hands. I was more like a facilitator and vendor coordinator than I was a hands-on programmer. There no longer was any one single platform I could reply on. I used whatever I was provided that would do what my employers needed.


This was an awfully simplistic look at my evolution as a software developer through the last couple decades. There is, of course, a whole lot of nuance that did not make it into this listicle because I detest being a windbag. The evolution continues... or at least, I really hope it does. There's so much left to learn, so many ways one could evolve.

Your growing software dev,

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