Sunday 9 October 2016

Teochew Thunder: Year Two (Part 2/2)

I’d love to report that the blogging year was a roaring success, but as with the previous year, it was a bit of a mixed bag.

Crash n' burn/

The first part of the year was rather slow, with viewership plummeting to dismal levels. Were readers tiring of web tutorials and the techy stuff? Well, too bad, then. This is what I do. This is what I like to talk about. Thankfully, I make no money from writing this shit, because if I did, I would feel pressured to write things that people like reading. As it is… 404: Fucks Not Found!

For some reason, I found myself writing quite a bit about Facebook. I wonder why.

Things picked up in the second quarter, rather inexplicably, I might add. Normally I’d think that Google's court case against Oracle is far more interesting than a mini-dissertation on the Three Great Virtues, but what the hell do I know, right? Rise of the Handphone Vigilante was the most popular post, followed by Social Media Mishap.

I’ve belabored to keep things short and in bite-sized chunks. Whereas in the past year I would simply cram stuff into one long blogpost, these days I segregate them into smaller parts. Examples: Data Passing Methods and Three Great Virtues. Some viewers may find this disconcerting, but trust me, it’s for the best. This blogging and stuff is pretty hard work. Gotta pace myself or burn the hell out.

Still, I’ve picked up some exciting new skills along the way and made plenty of interesting mistakes in the process. So web tutorials and the Spot the Bug series should really be a lot more varied.


Dollar Photo Club, the site where I got most of my images from, folded this year and handed my account over to Adobe Stock. I’m going to miss those really cheap stock photos.

Damn these hurdles.

Some of the content here is mirrored in, a site I sent up to lure in the head-hunters. Maintaining that in tandem with this blog, keeps me busy from time to time.

In the first half of the year, I was also busy with school (What, you think I got this awesome all by my lonesome?), final exams and getting laid off at work (Yes, that particular story will make its way onto this blog in due course. Watch for it!). All in all, it’s been quite an eventful year.

2017 beckons!

Things are looking up, on the professional front as I attempt to ride on the momentum of my modest accomplishments. I’m in another job, surrounded by people smarter than I am, and rediscovering the enthusiasm that so endeared me to my previous employers all those years back.

Thanks for reading. I’ll be write back in November! (heh heh)

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