Monday 28 August 2017

Five things to check when your mobile is not charging

I own an Android phone, and it's served me well for the last couple years. However, sometimes it refuses to cooperate. One of those instances is when it simply does not charge even after I connect the charging cable.

The first instinct I have is to wonder if my battery has finally given out. However, there are other, less drastic reasons (read: reasons that don't involve me spending money on a new battery) that I've learned to investigate before succumbing to the inevitable.

Here, I'm going to cover hardware failures only, as opposed to erratic behavior due to software.

There are multiple points of possible failure between the wall outlet and your phone. Each of these should be investigated if your phone refuses to charge.

1. Wall Socket Plug

You know that plug that connects your USB cable to your phone? The one that you have to plug into your power outlet?

Check the plug, yo.

These succumb to wear and tear as well, though the chances of this being the culprit are minuscule. Still, the problem could just be a case of failing to plug in the wall socket properly. It happens!

2. The USB cable

Problems with the cable itself account for roughly 50% of my charging woes. This usually happens if I use the really el cheapo two-dollar cables I find in Daiso. To be honest, you'll probably get better mileage by paying more. In fact, the cable that came with your phone when you bought it, is more likely than not to be the good stuff.

This hideous pink cable with
the bent USB port only
cost me 2 SGD. Go figure.

Just confirm (or eliminate) this possibility by using other cables. If your phone charges properly, it's the crummy cable you're using and you should chuck it.

3. Lint in the Micro USB Port

Chances are, you don't keep the Micro USB Port sealed when you're not charging your phone. Who the heck does? This means the orifice (oops, I meant aperture, of course) is open and receptive to all manner of dust and particles. This could come in the form of lint from your pockets or purse, and in my case, loose tobacco leaves.

Lint, tobacco leaves
and other debris
from my pockets.
Gunk like this clogs up the port and prevents it from connecting properly with the cable. Give the port a good blow (oh scrub your mind, you filthy teenager) to clear the crap, and you should be good to go.

4. Misaligned Micro USB Port

This one requires a bit of delicacy. Constant connecting and reconnecting the cable to your port will result in some wear and tear. Sometimes, that little tab that is supposed to touch the  circuitry inside your cable, is bent out of alignment.

That little tab right in
the middle of that port.
So bend it back!

Switch off your phone and remove the battery before attempting this. Use a fine but strong object like a pin, toothpick or even tweezers. Gently slide the end of your makeshift tool under the tab and very gently push upwards. Don't push too hard; if you accidentally snap the tab off, you can say adieu to your phone.

5. Battery

Switch off your phone and remove the battery. Is it bloated like a corpse? Does it spin like a top when you twirl it on a flat surface?

Dat battery.

If the answer is "yes", let's face it. Your battery is in the terminal stages of its ailment and it's time to put it out of its misery. But really, unless you've been overcharging the battery for half a decade, it's not likely to be the case.


If none of this works, I hope you made a backup. Good thing these damned things are so cheap these days, eh?

This advice is free of charge, just like your phone (heh heh)

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