Tuesday 23 January 2018

App Review: ActiveSG

Today, I'll be reviewing a lifestyle app. It goes by the name of ActiveSG, and is actually the mobile app version of the site at www.active.sg, by iApps Pte Ltd.

While I said this is a lifestyle app, it's not strictly in that category as far as functionality is concerned. For starters, there is nothing to monitor your calorie intake, exercise habits, and stuff like that. What it really is, is a booking app for Singapore Sports Council's facilities.

Simple enough, right? Can't go wrong with simple, right? Well, ActiveSG somehow manages to screw that up. Read on...

The Premise

With ActiveSG, you can book facilities such as tennis courts, swimming pools and gyms. You can even pay or renew memberships through the app, and the QR code in your profile will be used at gantries to determine what access you have.

The Aesthetics

ActiveSG scores horribly in this in my estimation. The makers of this app are guilty of trying a little too hard with garish colors coupled with the whole neon text on black background dynamic that just comes across as a little clumsy. Honestly, whoever thought lime green on black was cool, needs to be shot.

The Experience

Had difficulty moving around. The app was hard to navigate, and finding what I needed came only with frequent practice. There were times when attempting to go back to the previous screen almost resulted in exiting the application altogether.

The Interface

Confusing as hell in certain spots. The sheer overload of varying colors sure didn't help. What can be clicked? What can't? Very little of it was clear and had to be sorted out via trial and error.

What I liked

The QR Code for getting past the gantry, is at least conveniently placed, I guess.

The fact that I don't have to use this shitty app every day, is a bonus.

What I didn't

Color scheme stinks.

What's with the extraneous welcome message? Pro-tip: Anything that forces the user to tap extra times, is a huge no-no.

Navigation is crap. I mean, seriously, fuck your multiple-level menus.

App gives you a timeout message even if you logged out properly the last time.

App has a nasty habit of crashing.

If you attempt to click on your QR Code when your profile picture hasn't loaded yet, it will give you a timeout error message. Even if you've been using the app for the past five minutes.


For an app that purports to do so little, ActiveSG has a lot of room for improvement. The overall layout needs to change and I would suggest something that's a little less overwhelming and confusing. Provides nothing that the ActiveSG site doesn't already do. Save your phone space. Use the URL instead.

My Rating

3 / 10

Terrible offering. App-alling, even.

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