Sunday 2 August 2020

GitHub's Arctic Archival

Well, what a surprise.

It seemed like any other ordinary coding day, but with an extra something. While messing about with my GitHub account, something popped out at me. There was a new line of text on my sidebar, and it read "Arctic Code Vault Contributor". When I moused over it, this is what it said...

Oh, wow.

This raised a quizzical eyebrow, and when I did some digging, what I found was equal parts cool and bizarre.

Apparently, back in February, GitHub did a backup of all active public repositories, and archived them with the intention of storing them for the use of future generations. In the event of an truly catastrophic event in which all our tech was lost to disaster, there would be an archive for mankind to fall back on. The GitHub Arctic Code Vault.

Kind of like a time capsule with an apocalyptic twist.

Not that I'm not flattered that somehow my code contributed to these archives, but I doubt GitHub actually did a review of whatever it archived. If they were hoping that the archived code would be a good way to kick-start mankind's revival, the joke's on them. Among the repositories that were archived were gems such as my Animated Christmas Tree SVG and a bar chart rendered using D3. Hardly what I'd consider truly essential material. I even took pains to state "This account is for really elementary, trivial stuff." on my profile!

Nice to know some stuff will live on after I die, I guess!

Your newly-minted Arctic Code Vault Contributor,

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