Saturday 15 January 2022

Some thoughts about movie reviews and movie critics

Someone asked me recently about a movie, and whether the reviews of it were any good. And my response was one of puzzlement. I have never in my life relied on the judgement of a movie critic to determine if I should watch a movie or not. If I want to watch a movie, I will; and if I don't, I won't. No amount of rave reviews or critical bombing has ever convinced me otherwise.

And for good reason. Well, reasons, actually. Some of which will be discussed today.

I also write movie reviews on this blog, though mine tend to be about movies that deal with tech. For the most part, my reviews come from a more layperson perspective. Occasionally, it comes from a tech worker perspective.


Professional movie critics tend to judge movies by different standards than people like you or I might. They might think in terms of filmography, social messaging, diversity, storytelling and all that arty-farty stuff.

The filmography.

Me? I watch movies to be entertained. Education is the furthest thing on my mind. My objective is to have fun. If I'm not having fun, then it does not matter how many awards this movie has won or how many critics love this movie - the movie has failed where I am concerned. Remember, the critics are not the ones paying for your movie ticket. You are. Therefore, you should decide what your standards are... and most of the time, our standards are very different.

I don't feel particularly bad about having different expectations from a professional movie critic. It simply means that I am not a professional movie critic. That's hardly anything to be ashamed about.

Audience pressure

Sometimes it's a blessing to be a complete nobody in real life. I do not have a reputation to maintain, nor does my living depend upon my audience. No pressure at all.

On the other hand, professional movie critics are beholden to their employers and their audience. This means that they cannot praise or criticize however they please. Not if they want to keep their jobs.


One such critic might hesitate to criticize a black actor for his performance in a movie, or suggest that it was the wrong casting choice, if the critic's audience comprises of racial activists or something. Cancel Culture being what it is, these professional movie critics could hardly be faulted for acting in the interest of self-preservation.

My reviews are independent. My living does not depend upon the approval of my audience. This is a fun pasttime for me, nothing more.

Biases and agendas

Recently, I watched Ghostbusters: Afterlife and proceeded to read some reviews. It was surprising to me how many reviewers slated this movie despite the fact that audience ratings were so high. And some of these reviews seemed to get awfully personal and there seemed to be an unhealthy amount of resentment that this movie dared to exist at all after the Ghostbusters, featuring an all-female team, was released in 2016.

I watch a movie because I want to watch a movie. Not because I want to promote a feminist agenda. Or indeed, any kind of agenda. In fact, I hate it when movies get preachy and heavy with the moral posturing. I'm in a motherfucking movie theater, people. Not church.

Promoting a feminist agenda.

Sure, everyone has biases, myself included. But I was under the impression that part of being a professional movie critic was at least being subtle about your biases.

Are my movie reviews better?

Using the judgement of a movie critic who has no idea what you like or don't like as a gauge as to whether you would enjoy a movie or not, is pure foolishness. I enjoy reading reviews to see what different people think. But my views remain my own.

The language used by professional reviewers is infinitely more colorful, and there are times when I aspire to that standard.

My reviews are definitely more relatable, even if the reader does not work in the software industry. That is because I think largely like the average layperson, I am beholden to no larger agenda; and most importantly, unlike some of these reviewers, I don't act like people should like or dislike a movie based on my opinion.

Pleasant viewing,

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