Wednesday 23 August 2023

A Comparison Between Tables and Divs (Part 1/2)

With the birth of the Internet, there have been two HTML elements that have often been used to do the same job - namely, the table and div tag. In this blogpost, we will compare the two and their best use cases.

Tables are predominantly a grid-layout element that is best used to present data that can be presented in a spreadsheet. In fact, if you highlight a HTML table and copy it, you can then paste the table in a spreadsheet application.

Spreadsheet data.

Tables can have columns that span multiple rows, and rows that span multiple columns. In this manner, more complex data can be represented.

Learning curve

Tables are not a difficult concept to muster. They can, however, be heinously cumbersome to write, let alone maintain. The table tag does not function on its own; it at the very least requires tr and td elements. thead and tbody are largely optional.


Usage is simple enough even if one throws rowspan and colspan attributes into the mix. Enough repetition and a child could learn it. The real question is whether or not that child would want to.

The problem with too many tags is that if one closing or opening tag is left out, this leads to malformed HTML. And with the nature of tables, this happens all too easily.

Use cases

These days it's not even a contest, but there was a time when using tables for page layout was actually a thing. In some dark corners of the web, table-based layout, along with (gasp!) frames, can be found if one looks hard enough. These days, though, suggesting tables as a site layout would earn you some serious side-eye.

Tables were adequate for layout back when screen sizes did not vary so much. Fixed width-layouts could handily be created with table elements that had the border attribute set to 0. Still not ideal, and smacked of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole, but they worked in a pinch if you weren't planning to make frequent changes or do anything extremely fancy.

You're not fitting that in.

Times have changed, and table layouts for websites are almost completely a thing of the past. Yes, I said almost. Hey, some people enjoy suffering; there's no accounting for taste, is there?

No, tables have now been relegated to carrying out the task they were originally meant for - presenting grid data. And that's a task they perform like no other.


Now, web crawlers have no problem reading content from tables. However, since tables and content are intrinsically tied together and tabular data is read linearly, this presents a problem if the visual design of the site clashes with the SEO requirements.

For instance, say you have content that you want displayed at the top of a site. However, in terms of importance, some other information takes precedence and you want the web crawlers to read that first. That can't happen in a table element unless you replicate the information at the top of the table and then hide it visually (which is workable I guess, just a huge pain in the butt to maintain).

Less than ideal
for the blind.

Also because tabular data is linear in nature, content readers for the visually impaired would totally mess it up if they were reading table-based web layout.


We examine the div tag.

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