Friday 25 August 2023

A Comparison Between Tables and Divs (Part 2/2)

Divs have been the de facto standard for web layout for over a decade since the advent of CSS. The versatility of divs cannot be overstated, though it is possible (and alarmingly easy!) to overuse them.

Deep levels of nesting.

Any web developer who has ever run into front-end maintenance problems due to multiple levels of nested div tags, will know exactly what I mean. This, of course, naturally leads to the question: Can tables be nested too? The answer is yes, and those seriously disturbed individuals who have attempted this will doubtless live to regret such depravity.

Learning curve

Divs are usually used as containers for HTML elements and content (including other divs) and then styled using CSS. This can lead to a whole ton of nested divs if a web developer is not careful. Again, as with tables, any missing open or closing tags leads to malformed HTML, thus it is important to keep them as simple as possible. Unlike tables, this is actually possible for divs, since the minimum viable HTML for one div is a single div tag.


The learning curve for divs by themselves isn't huge, though CSS is another matter entirely. There are tons of options that can drastically change the visuals of your site. In addition to learning about the CSS Box Model, a web developer also needs to understand the position property if fancier shenanigans are required.

Use cases

Web layout now predominantly uses divs for many reasons, chief of which is mobile layout. Div layouts are easily made to be scalable (due to CSS) and this a site can be easily fitted to whichever screen size is required, without needing to make a lot of changes.

Different devices and
screen sizes.

Divs can also be used for tabular layout with a few interesting options depending on the library used, but this also tends to complicate matters; and in my opinion, does not significantly have less problems than simply using table tags for such use cases.


The ability to separate styling from content is one of the greatest boons of div tags and CSS. This solves many problems that table-based layouts are prone to.

Crawling the web.

For example, when using div tags for layout, it is possible to position important content in the HTML for web crawlers to pick up first, while visually repositioning the content elsewhere or even hiding it. Not only is it possible, CSS makes it almost ridiculously easy.


Tables and divs both have their place. Divs are ubiquitious. Tables fulfill a smaller, but still vital, place in the HTML ecosystem. It is important to use both for their respective best use cases.

Your div-ine web developer,

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