Thursday 14 September 2023

Ten Awesome Tech Tattoos

Tattoos are a common sight in society these days. I recently saw a nice tattoo on some random middle-aged housewives, and then it hit me: it's not that housewives are suddenly finding it hip to ink their bodies. It's more like these were the rebellious teenagers from a couple decades back, now all grown up and shit. Heck, I'm no spring chicken. But that's neither here nor there.

Tech tattoos, on the other hand, should really occupy their own niche. The ones I managed to find in cyberspace are clever, quirky and just awesome.

1. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

We begin with a nice nod to the late great Steve Jobs. This is one of his more well-known quotes.

From IJustWanaShine.

Now I'm not a big fan and this isn't anything I would ever do. But come on, this is classy. And inspirational, to boot.

2. HTML Code

For all web devs out there, this is not just HTML code, it's a clever pun!

From Lambatest

It would actually take someone in the know to appreciate that joke; however, it's relatively easy to implement. Again, not one of those things I would totally do, but I appreciate the intent.

3. Linux Command

For those familiar with Linux, this line basically means "recursively delete all files and directories without asking for confirmation". In other words, remove everything without regret.

From louiseann93

The sentiment behind simplifying your life is one I can get behind. The fact that this dude has it inked into his forearm gave me pause. Is he saying he can remove your life with one punch?

4. Binary

This guy has his name "MIKE" tattooed in binary.

From TattooViewer

Not a bad idea, but if you had a seriously long ass name, that might present a problem.

5. 404

Nothing to see here, move along. That's the message I got.

From Pinterest

The woman in question has it on her bosom. It could be her way of saying "my eyes are up here", but it might just send a cheekier message. Like, "titsheart not found".

6. More Binary!

Ooh! Now this one is nice. Not only is it binary, it's taking the shape of one of my favorite childhood memories!

From Tattoodo

Plus, it's in monochrome. I love tats like that.

7. Paper Clip

This is another memory, albeit not quite so fond.

JavaScript in Plain English

If anyone ever had the misfortune of using Microsoft Word when it was featuring this annoying little mascot, they'd know what I'm talking about. It's a nice idea, but I can't see myself wanting this fella be a permanent part of me.

8. Docker

Now this is dedication. Is it a DevOps thing to ink the whale icon of Docker in their skin? That's amusing.

From Twitter

Then again, I have Liverpool FC's motto inked into my knuckles, so who am I to talk?

9. WiFi

I appreciate anyone who has the WiFi icon tattooed on them. Not that they can actually provide WiFi, but they can at least relate to its importance.

From Tattoodo

This fella has it on his middle finger. I can just imagine someone asking him for WiFi, and his response...

10. IBM

Again, dedication. This time, to a tech company. Honestly, I'm not totally behind this one. Unless you own the company in question, this just seems superfluous to me. Companies are where you work and get paid, and after you're gone from there, you're gone.

From Flickr

In addition, if I had to pick an IBM tattoo, I would not have gone for this one. I would have gone for the far cleverer rebus option. An eye, a bee and an M.


There you go, folks! Ten cool (and some not that cool but nevertheless thought-provoking) tech tattoos. Any strike your fancy?

I ink, therefore I am,

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