Monday 18 March 2024

Profanity-laced Content Over The Years

Long-time readers of this blog will have noticed that whenever certain impolite words are used in a blogpost, I take care to tag the post with the term "Profanity Alert". I've been called many things (and some of them are even true) but let it never be said that I am not in the habit of giving fair warning.

Through the years, the suspicion that I use entirely too many vulgarities to communicate my thoughts, has been entertained, and I have striven to do better, especially where this blog is concerned. It's not a moral issue for me, more a professional one. And perhaps a desire to challenge myself by expressing ideas in a less vitriolic manner.

Wash your mouth!

Thus, imagine my chagrin when I ran some data analytics on tag usage on this blog, and found that "Profanity Alert" was the frontrunner in terms of appearances.

What. The. Fuck?! (Yes I know, this doesn't help my case at all)

The findings

In 2015, things weren't so bad. I was mostly in techie mode. In fact, The tag "Profanity Alert" was not even in the Top 5. I was all business.

Things changed in 2016. "Profanity Alert" was not only in the Top 5, it was numero uno. At this point, I should have suspected a dangerous trend there.

It didn't get better the following year. "Profanity Alert" was still the most frequently used tag. Tags like "Web Development" came a close second. And honestly, it wasn't even that close.

There was a little improvement in 2018. The tag was still in top position, but it was tied with "Web Development". Which I guess meant that I was at least spending as much time talking about things that really mattered, without swearing.

2019 continued in the same vein. "Profanity Alert" and "Life as an Economic Digit" were tied in first place, with "Web Development" running close behind.

2020 was almost a copy of 2019, as far as the top few were concerned. "War Stories" took the place of "Life as an Economic Digit". Now "Web Development" was nowhere to be seen in the Top 10, and "Singapore" was the runner-up in terms of frequency. It marked a change to me talking more about local affairs.

It was in 2021 where I made a concerted effort to stop swearing excessively. To my pleasant surprise, "Profanity Alert" no longer appeared in the Top 10 after having been a mainstay for years. Go, me!

It did not last, alas; for in 2022, "Profanity Alert" slithered back to Numero Uno spot. Imagine my consternation! Bad habits, do, indeed die hard. It was time to stop being complacent.

2023 looked OK, as I made another effort to limit my swearing. It met with some success, for now my posts centered around Social Media. Thank you Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, for giving me so much material to focus on!

2024 has gotten off to a promising start thus far. I have not used enough profanities in any posts to push the "Profanity Alert" tag to prominence. A little discipline seems to have done the trick.

Moving forward

I hope to continue making progress. While in principle, I have nothing against swearing, I think overuse of it ultimately detracts from what this is supposed to be - a tech blog. There are certainly better ways than constantly dropping F-bombs.

Friends Ultimately Choose Kindness!

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