Monday 2 November 2015

Google's Logo Switcheroo

Holy pixellated pictograms, Batman! Google has changed their logo! Again!

Google: Before and after

If you're like me and a little slow on the uptake, you might have noticed the change now, when it actually took place two months ago. It's not that I never noticed; it's more that the change never fully registered in my mind until now. I mean, come on, this is Google. Ever so often, they change their home search page for shits and giggles, and sometimes, that involves changing the font and styling of the word "google". This felt like one of those changes.

Take a look at some of these. (Check out more at Google Doodles!)

And I'm suppose to blink when I encounter this?

That aside, check out Logopedia and you'll see that Google has changed its logo no less than five times since it burst on the scene in 1997. The last change took place in 2014 where the "l" in "google" was shifted by a few pixels. If nothing else, this tells you just how anal detail-oriented the branding team is. As they should well be - Google's brand is pretty damn strong and one of their main assets.

Google's been evolving since Day One. It's associated with change, in a constant state of flux; which is perhaps why it still feels fresh and perky despite having lasted more than a decade. Which is also why I saw the new logo two months ago and thought little of it. Hey, this is Google, right?

The Trend

Two other web companies that changed their logo these past few years - Microsoft and Yahoo!. It's worth noting because the changes, including Google's, reflect a trend. Note the transition from fancy lettering and kerning to simpler non-serif fonts. In Yahoo!'s case, the vertical alignment has also been altered to be less radical.

Yahoo!: Before and after
Microsoft: Before and after

All to what end? Well, you may have noticed that the changes seem to have been made to allow their logos to be better viewed on small screens, ie. mobile phones and tablets. Mobile devices have influenced yet another aspect of our lives. This is the new normal. Embrace it!

When will Google next change their logo? Hey, search me.

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