Wednesday 18 November 2015

Romance and the Web Developer (Part 2/2)

And here, is how web development is different from dating.


Hedging your bets

Let's say you're unhappy with your job. Whatever the reason, you're on the lookout for better prospects. What do you do, quit and then look for a new job? Oh, hell no. Web developers gotta eat too, right? Conventional wisdom dictates that you hang on to your current job, get paid as usual, and when that new job offer comes along, snap it up. Au revoir, sucky old job!

Now try applying that logic to a relationship you're unhappy in...

Nothing's working out. The romance is long gone, and you can't communicate, etc etc blah blah. So do you hang on to this woman till a more desirable option comes along? Buddy, that's neither sensible nor clever. End the relationship, then move on to greener pastures. That's what us mature, responsible adults do. We don't selfishly use another person as a placeholder while looking for someone better to come along. It's just not cool.

Put those differences aside!


When you're at work, keep your prejudices to yourself. Your colleagues may be Pakistanis, gay, obscenely fat, Methodists, Liberals, chain smokers or what-have-you. If you have to work together, you damn well better put those personal preferences aside, because they have no place whatsoever in a professional environment.

The story's different when you're dating.

You could be the most prejudiced cow in the world, and it would still be your right to decide what kind of person you want to be with. Slim, beautiful, big boobs? At least a Bachelor's Degree? Has to be Caucasian? Wear a Rolex, drive a Lamborghini? Has to support the same football club, hold the same political views, practice the same religion? Star signs have to be compatible? That's entirely OK. You want what you want. This is your personal life and you can have all the ridiculous, lame requirements your heart could wish for. Go for it.

Two-timing FTW

More the Merrier

Web developers, especially those on the lower rungs of the organization, tend to take up little jobs outside of work. It could be an EDM, a quick Drupal setup  or some CSS tweaking. Or even something that can be worked on, over the weekends, like a full site. That's peachy. As long as it doesn't interfere with the day job and you're not working for a competitor, what the hell, who gives a shit? In fact, these little assignments can help with the day job. You'd be honing your craft by doing, and we all know what practice eventually makes. You could be working on something else and discover a better way to do what you're doing in the office.

But, for the love of God, be advised that this reasoning is unlikely to hold water where your date(s) is/are concerned. "Honey, I am dating someone else on the side because I wanna know you better." I don't really have to explain this recipe for disaster, do I?

Have your meltdown
somewhere else, sweetheart.

For Better Or Worse...

There's this quote going around the internet, dubiously attributed to Marilyn Monroe.

"I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

This one's been debated fiercely, but the gist of it is that if you're dating someone, you need to be able to tolerate the each other's flaws.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that this applies to your career, unless expectations are shockingly low at your workplace, you own the company, or are blowing the stakeholders regularly (and are staggeringly good at it). This attitude isn't going to get you very far. You'll be seeking new employment faster than I can say "get the fuck off my lawn, bitch". Sure you may not have to give hundred percent all of the time, but you'd better believe that employers are not emotionally invested in having you around. If your presence no longer makes any kind of business sense, your presence is no longer required. Keep your temper or lose your job. Your choice.

The Climatic Conclusion

Those are my thoughts on how web development compares to dating. In all honesty, the subject's very much deeper than this. But I'm a techie, not a philosopher. This is not me giving anyone dating advice.

Choose wisely! Dating can be a matter of wife and death. (heh heh)

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