Wednesday 10 March 2021

Who's Your Favorite Ninja Turtle?

This is one of those amusing little episodes that got me thinking after the fact.

I was in between jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic, and applying to various openings. Some of the interview questions came in the form of online questionnaires, I guess because people didn't want to ask those questions in face-to-face interviews. Fair enough.

Amid some of the usual drivel like "on a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your Java?" and "where do you see yourself five years from now?", a couple of them stood out because they were really quite amusing. This particular one actually got me thinking pretty seriously about it, even though - or maybe precisely because - it was so quirky.

"Who's your favorite Ninja Turtle, and why?"

Turtle Power!

I mean, wow, OK.

Before I arrive at the answer I eventually gave them, I'm first going to provide a link for some context, just in case you weren't born before the 90s or just didn't have much of a childhood.

Then let's examine each possible option.

The Turtles

Leonardo. This is the serious, de facto leader of the pack. He shoulders the responsibility of protecting their little family and looking out for their well-being. He's the one that sets the direction and makes the plans. Safe to say, that's not me. I'm mostly comfortable making decisions that affect only me.

Leo's weapons are the katana, the quintessential Samurai tool. His color is blue, reflecting his coolness under fire, and his steady, quiet courage.

Michelangelo. Mikey is the party dude. He's the guy who goes "Cowabunga", always ready with a goofy grin and a corny joke. He's laid-back and chill, always up for an adventure and looking on the bright side. If there ever was a personification of the term "YOLO", this guy would be it.

His weapon of choice, the nunchaku screams fun like your average chop-socky Bruce Lee flick. His color is orange, the bright, vibrant color of energy and positivity.

Raphael. This dark, brooding, angst-filled character is not at all my kind of guy. He constantly questions authority, has snark in spades and I'm amazed he can still move under the weight of that gigantic chip on his shoulder. I know people like that; they live for conflict. Not my thing, really. I outgrew that shit in my twenties.

His sai, the pronged daggers, reflect his personality - pointed and always on the defensive. His color is red, the hue of blood and rage.

Donatello. If there's anybody more serious than Leonardo, it's the tech geek Donatello, who's always tinkering with a gadget or two. He's the studious type, totally straight-laced and obsessed with his craft. Yep, Donnie bears probably the most obvious personality resemblance to me.

He wields the simple and effective bo stick. Totally his style. His color is purple, and honestly I don't think it's a great choice where symbolism is concerned. What does that color even mean?

And my favorite is...


Leonardo and Raphael were eliminated right off the bat. Leonardo primarily not because I dislike that kind of character, but because not being a take-charge kind of guy, it's hard to relate. As for Raphael... let's just say that I used to be this guy when I was an angsty teenager. That's in my past. I neither admire Raphael, nor do I want to be him. In fact, I'm rather proud of the fact that I am no longer this guy, and aim to keep it this way.

While Donatello is perhaps the Turtle I can identify with the most, it is the jolly, fun-loving Michelangelo that I truly aspire to be. Watching Donatello just makes me feel even more like a nerd. Who needs that? I enjoy watching Mikey's antics. They remind me of a time when I had that same wide-eyed wonder about life.

Also, orange is my favorite color.


This was a pretty interesting question even if the original intent behind it seems more frivolous than earnest. As with most questions of this ilk, the who or what is probably less important than the why. Making a serious attempt to answer did provide some opportunity for introspection.

This question was turtle-y awesome!

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