Tuesday 13 September 2022

Five Unpleasant Things About Working With Front-end Technology

In tech, there are several technologies at each layer of the stack. The nuances are usually not covered by tech hiring, and this is usually divided into front-end and back-end. Today, my intention is to examine the two, especially front-end technology. And here are five reasons why you might not want to make front-end technology your career.

1. Rapid evolution

There are several aspects to front-end technology. There's your standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript... and that alone can be a nightmare to keep up with. HTML, if you're up to speed with the most commonly used features of HTML5, not so much. For CSS, the preprocessor packages and CSS3 updates can be slightly more of a pain in the ass.

Multiplying like guppies

But JavaScript? If you elect to go down that rabbit hole, JavaScript is constantly evolving. The core language alone has been through update after update, The jQuery library as well. But all the front-end frameworks - ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, just to name a few - are also constantly going through evolution. And new frameworks seem to be coming out of the goddamn woodwork all the time!

And that's only the tech part. The design part is certainly nothing to sniff at. Learning fonts and color schemes is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Design patterns and anti-patterns evolve all the time. A typical website in the 90s will look markedly different ten years later, and another ten years after that.

This sounds fun if you're a hobbyist. When you do this shit for a living, not so much.

2. Uncontrollable environment

Front-end code runs on web browsers. Each of which comes with user-controllable functionality a front-end developer may not have catered for.

Yes, you read that right. User-controllable. Not developer-controllable.

Your typical web browser may come with a Dark Mode. There may almost definitely will be controls to increase or decrease font size. This is going to mess with all your layout specifications.

What about Dark Mode?!

Add in the fact that your users may screw with your carefully crafted interface by refreshing the browser insistently, pressing the Back button and using browser functions in all sorts of unruly ways. It's certainly not like a back-end interface where there are limits to input.

3. Testing nightmare

Mobile technology in the past decade has seen a proliferation of different screen sizes - tablets and phones - in addition to the standard screen sizes. In addition, there may be differences in how certain browsers render HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These differences have largely been eliminated with the demise of Internet Explorer, but some remain.

A plethora of different devices.

All of this adds up to an almost untenable amount of user interface testing for the optimal amount of exposure to the market. It is not an enviable position.

Front-end frameworks and libraries such as Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery and such, mitigate much of the insanity. But these issues have remained through the decade and will likely continue to grow the more mobile technology evolves.

4. Vague KPIs

In back-end technology, things are binary. Input is defined, and output is defined. The output is either correct, or it is not. It either is produced quickly enough, or it is not. Things either conform to security standards, or they do not.

Back-end input and
output is simpler.

Front-end technology has all that, true. It also encompasses a whole host of KPIs that are, for the most part, subjective in nature. User experience. Aesthetic beauty. Ease of use. These are guaranteed to vary from user to user and therefore, there is no way to obtain a perfect score.

Imagine being in a situation where you have to live with having less than total success. That is front-end technology.

5. Everyone has an opinion

This is somewhat related to the last point. In back-end technology, laypeople generally have better sense than to ever touch this, because they have little to no understanding of the stack and they have no tech qualifications.

Everyone and their dog.

In front-end technology, however, which is mostly visual, suddenly everybody and their dog has an opinion. Suddenly, everyone feels the need to chime in on how stuff should look and feel like. Nobody is shy about commenting because, well, you don't need tech qualifications to talk about something which is largely visual. It's subjective, so there are no wrong answers.

This makes your work a lot more difficult, when you have to take so much extra feedback into account. And when a sizeable portion of that feedback comes from laypeople, this makes things even more difficult because laypeople don't quite speak the same language techies do, and they may not have a good grasp of what technically makes sense and what doesn't.

In conclusion

Front-end technology is far, far from a bed of roses.

Still, if it still looks intriguing, let nothing deter you from your path. The important thing is not to go in blind, and be aware of all the pitfalls that await you.

Just being up front!

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