Thursday 25 June 2020

Making the contact tracing effort mandatory

Singapore is still in the middle of the COVID-19 battle; indeed, so is the rest of the world no matter what New Zealand claims. All due respect to NZ, but as long as an effective vaccine has not been created, the war is not over and all celebration is premature.

To that end, Singapore is intending to distribute the wearable TraceTogether token, which functions pretty much like the app of the same name. The app, along with the SafeEntry app (which is basically an online form called by scanning a QR code - rudimentary but effective) were rolled out the past few months as aids to help the contact tracing effort. However, they have not been altogether adequate.

The TraceTogether app

This app uses the Bluetooth feature on mobile phones, tracking all similarly enabled mobile phones within a radius. Therefore, in theory, one should be able to trace whomever an infected user was in close contact with.

Using TraceTogether.

Unfortunately, this does not work so well on iOS devices, and even on Android devices. It also has the annoying side-effect of hogging the Bluetooth signal. As long as this app is on, your mobile can't use Bluetooth for anything else.

Also, the older population may not be tech-savvy enough to actually know how to use a mobile phone, much less install an app.

The SafeEntry app

This solution is deployed at the entrances of all buildings, and every shop within a mall. Upon entry, the user is supposed to scan the QR code, go to the page and click the "Check-in" button after entering details such as NRIC and mobile number. Upon exit, the user should click the "check-out" button.

SafeEntry is useless in the open.

Not only is this troublesome AF, it's all too easy to forget to "check-out". And one can even more easily lose track of all the places checked in at. Just try going to any building from the underpass at Orchard MRT.

In addition, this method is deployed only at entrances of businesses. Meaning, it doesn't do jackshit to help trace people who might have contracted COVID-19 out in the open.

What the TraceTogether token solves

Basically, anything that involves considerable conscious effort on the part of the user, is suspect. People are human; they get lazy and slipshod. Wearing the token ensures that tracking will be done everywhere, without the need to install apps or click buttons.

Along with that, the Singapore Government might be about to make the wearing of this token mandatory; that is, if you are found not to have that token on your person, you will be fined and/or jailed. This has predictably raised a ruckus, with people signing some lame petition against it, just about guaranteeing that the law will be passed.

People are concerned, despite pretty much handing their data over to Facebook and Google every time they use their mobile phones (or even when they don't), that the Government will abuse this privilege to track their every movement. They're concerned for their freedom and privacy. They'd rather let the likes of Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai take their data for profit, but not their own Government who are trying to save their lives. Some have even suggested that the Government is using this outbreak as an excuse to implement a surveillance state.

Are you guys for real?!
Oh FFS, children. Grow up!

The token doesn't check your location. It checks who was in close contact with you. That's a whole different kettle of fish. I've found that most of the people raising a fuss aren't technically inclined... the techies I know aren't concerned in the least. Because we actually know shit, and we know this doesn't do what you think it does!

And even if it does track your every movement...

Maybe I haven't made myself perfectly clear the last few times I wrote about this, but fuck your precious privacy. Lives are at stake. In case you've been living under a rock and don't know what we're dealing with here, COVID-19 is a very infectious disease which can lead to death. The fact that only twenty-plus people have died out of a possible forty thousand infected in Singapore so far, is no reason to be complacent.

COVID-19, on its own, is not that deadly a disease. However, it is extremely contagious and Singaporeans behaving like utter retards at every opportunity makes this disease even more dangerous than it already is. We're stupid and ill-disciplined, and will willingly disregard self-preservation and the safety of others for instant gratification. That's what the past few months of observation have shown me.

If the TraceTogether token is not made mandatory, that means much faith has to be placed in the hands of Singaporeans to do the right thing for the greater good... and I'm not at all sure we're deserving of that amount of faith.

Oh, the COVIDity!

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